Legislation - Early childhood

Legislation - CPE

In Quebec, the Ministry of the Family requires certain conditions to ensure that every child is in a safe and healthy environment.

Anyone working or wishing to work with young children must undergo 8 hours of general first-aid training. This training must be adapted to early childhood and include a component on severe anaphylactic-type allergic reactions. Each certification issued is valid for a maximum of 3 years.


Whether you're an educator, assistant educator or occasional replacement, it's your responsibility to ensure that the certification you hold has not been acquired for a period of more than three years, this under the new requirements issued as of April 1, 2016, which specify that:

  • The minimum duration of training is 8 hours
  • It is adapted to early childhood
  • It includes a component on anaphylactic reactions.

These conditions are valid for the following environments:

  • Daycare
  • Family daycare
  • Preschool daycare
  • School daycare
  • Early childhood center
  • Daycare
  • Vacation camps
  • Etc.

Provincial legislation

The laws governing the use of epinephrine in anaphylactic-type reactions are governed by the provincial government in Quebec. The Regulation respecting the professional activities that may be carried out within the scope of pre-hospital emergency care and services states that :

  • In the absence of a first responder or ambulance technician, any person may administer:

Adrenalin in the event of a severe anaphylactic allergic reaction, using an auto-injector device.

In the absence of a first responder or paramedic, any person who has completed training in the administration of epinephrine, approved by the regional or national medical director of pre-hospital emergency services, may administer epinephrine to a person in the event of a severe allergic reaction of the anaphylactic type, using an auto-injector device.

Quebec Family Ministry

In early childhood centers and daycare centers, the Ministère de la famille du Québec allows children to have access to medication prescribed by a physician. However, the administration of such prescribed medication is regulated. Prescription drugs must be clearly labeled and stored out of children's reach, away from food, toxic products and household cleaning products. The daycare center licensee must keep this storage under lock and key.

To ensure the best possible care and safety for children, the Ministère de la Famille requires very tight management on the part of day-care centers. The childcare educator may therefore administer any medication to a child who has a medical prescription accompanied by written authorization from a parent. However, the Règlement sur les services de garde éducatifs à l'enfance allows the administration of certain non-prescribed medications with the written consent of a parent:

  • Acetaminohene
  • Tempra
  • Atasol
  • Tylenol
  • Saline nasal solutions
  • Oral moisturizing solutions
  • Pedialyte
  • Gastrolyte
  • Lytren
  • Diaper rash cream
  • Sunscreen cream
  • Disposable lubricating gel
  • Moisturizing cream
  • Lip balm
  • Calamine lotion

Charter of human rights and freedoms

In an emergency health situation, section 2 of the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms applies: The protection of a person's life and physical integrity requires that, when his or her life is in danger, any person present render assistance and provide the care required.

In accordance with the Professional Code, it should be noted that, despite any irreconcilable provisions, a person acting within the framework of the activities of an intermediate or family-type resource, or within the framework of a home support program provided by an establishment operating a local community service center, in a school or other temporary substitute living environment for children may administer prescribed, ready-to-administer oral, topical, transdermal, ophthalmic, otic, rectal or inhaled medications, as well as subcutaneous insulin.


As the administration of epinephrine is not mentioned, the school support worker can only administer it under the following conditions:

  • The person is known to be allergic
  • Medication is prescribed
  • Recognized training has been successfully completed


Training for school personnel or any other person working with young children must be adapted to school and other personnel, including early childhood workers. This training must meet certain criteria, such as :

  • Last a minimum of 1.5 hours
  • Must be offered by an accredited organization
  • An annual review of acquired concepts is strongly recommended.
  • Must be taken and passed every 3 years

It is the responsibility of the establishment concerned to :

  • Ensure the availability of the required auto-injectors at all times, including their renewal
  • Set up the environmental conditions required to deliver the minimum 1.5-hour training course.