
Introduction :

Welcome to our bibliographies page. We are delighted to present you with a selection of resources in various fields. These bibliographies have been carefully compiled to offer you convenient access to relevant and reliable information.

We display these bibliographies for several reasons:

E-learning: In an increasingly digital world, e-learning has become a popular method of acquiring new skills. Our e-learning bibliography offers a range of resources, from online courses to video tutorials, to support your professional and personal development.

Pedagogical approach: As educators, we understand the importance of adopting effective pedagogical approaches to facilitate student learning. Our pedagogical approach bibliography features reference books and articles to guide you in designing innovative and engaging teaching programs.

Medicine: Medicine is a constantly evolving field, where up-to-date knowledge is essential. Our medical bibliography covers a variety of topics, from general medicine to medical specialties, to help you keep abreast of the latest advances in healthcare.

CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation): CPR training is crucial to saving lives in medical emergencies. Our CPR bibliography includes practical resources, such as training guides and instructional videos, to reinforce your skills in cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Traumatology: Trauma management requires specialized expertise to ensure effective patient care. Our Trauma Bibliography offers a selection of key references for healthcare professionals involved in the treatment of traumatic injuries.

Infection control: In the context of public health, infection prevention is a major issue in ensuring the safety of patients and medical staff. Our bibliography on infection prevention presents guidelines, research studies and best practices for minimizing the risk of nosocomial infections.


We hope you find these bibliographies useful in your quest for knowledge and professional excellence. Please feel free to explore these resources and use them in your daily practice.