Legislation - Quebec

In Quebec, first aid is essentially governed by provincial laws and regulations. The administration of health services falls under provincial jurisdiction. It is therefore the Quebec government or an authority empowered by it that has the power to enact standards. We understand that these laws and regulations are drawn up by legislators assisted by medical and administrative authorities competent in the field.

According to this legislation, when no medical professional is present at an emergency scene, anyone can :

  • Use an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) during a C.R.A. (Cardiopulmonary Arrest)
  • Administer epinephrine in the event of an anaphylactic reaction, using an auto-injector device
  • Administer glucagon to a person who is unconscious, convulsing, unable to swallow or confused and hypoglycemic, if the rescuer has successfully completed training in its administration.
  • Administer oxygen before the arrival of paramedics, if the rescuer has successfully completed oxygen administration training.

In order to be able to intervene in as many circumstances as possible, it is therefore in the interest of every first-aider or person who cares about the welfare of others (and of anyone in distress!), to take first-aid training. On our website, you can take a wide range of first aid courses. Whether it's to meet a job-related requirement, to better protect the lives of your family and loved ones, or simply for personal culture, you'll find everything you need.


In Quebec, the Commission des normes, de l'équité, de la santé et de la sécurité au travail (CNESST) administers the occupational health and safety system. Since 1984, it has been responsible for the first-aid training program. It requires, at all times during working hours, the presence of a specified number of first aiders in the workplace, in accordance with certain standards. Workplace first-aid training lasts 16 hours and is subsidized by the CNESST. Only organizations under contract (called "suppliers") with the CNESST can train and issue this certification. To obtain workplace first aid certification, the candidate must complete the entire 16-hour training course, and then pass the assessment of acquired knowledge. The certificate issued is valid for 3 years, and must be renewed in full when it expires.

Our website is not under contract with the CNESST. We are therefore not a recognized or accredited provider of workplace first aid training, as required by this commission. However, our training courses meet or exceed their minimum requirements. We are pleased to offer high-quality training to anyone wishing to acquire first aid training equivalent to that required in the workplace, in the comfort and at the time that suits them best.


To promote the development and recognition of workforce skills, the Quebec government has introduced legislation requiring certain employers to reinvest a certain percentage in training. Companies with a payroll in excess of $2 million must meet certain employee training obligations: they must devote the equivalent of 1% of their payroll to employee training and skills development. If it fails to do so, the company will be obliged to pay this percentage into the Fonds de développement et de reconnaissance des compétences de la main-d'œuvre. The money thus lost and paid to the state will be reinvested at the latter's discretion in other projects related to workforce training. This is why we suggest that employers allow as many of their employees as possible to acquire the first-aid skills we offer here, with all the advantages of online training, despite the fact that it cannot be used for the purposes required by the CNESST.

The company must declare the total calculation of its training costs to the Commission des partenaires du marché du travail, and we will issue a specially designed form for this purpose. Similarly, the company must also forward the total calculation of its training costs to Revenu Québec. We will also provide you with a specific form for this purpose.

Since first aid training is in everyone's interest, it goes without saying that all the programs available on our website qualify to meet the training obligation imposed by law. In the interests of providing a safe workplace, since accidents and incidents can happen anywhere, we strongly recommend taking advantage of this opportunity.