Online CPR Training for Daycare

As with virtually every sector of society, the child care sector is facing a labour shortage. Competition for qualified workers is intense, but the need for trained and certified staff continues to grow. To ensure quality of care and safety, child care facilities must ensure that their staff is properly trained in CPR, first aid and emergency procedures. Unfortunately, with the current workforce shortage, it can be difficult for busy directors to find the time and resources to ensure that all of their staff are properly trained.


Online CPR training: a practical and effective solution for your daycare staff

As you know, "The Early Childhood Education and Care Act and Regulations impose a duty of safety on the operators of a daycare centre."(1) Online CPR training offers a convenient and effective solution for daycare staff who need quick and convenient access to certification courses. Online first aid or CPR courses are easily accessible from any computer or mobile device, allowing them to take their training when and where it is convenient for them. Additionally, online courses offer a much more comprehensive learning experience than traditional in-person courses, as they include interactive activities such as videos, simulations, quizzes and exams to help reinforce key concepts. In addition, online courses often cost a fraction of the price of in-person courses.


Benefits of online vs. in-person training

Online CPR training is very convenient and easily accessible. Childcare professionals can take the online courses anytime, anywhere, allowing them to adapt to their own pace and choose their medium (computer, tablet, mobile). Lower workload periods allow educators to better fit training into their busy schedules.

Online certifications also offer a much more comprehensive learning experience than traditional face-to-face courses. Rather than simply listening to an instructor lecture (when one can be found in this workforce crisis), CPR-online trainings like those from The Academy of Saint Bernard include interactive activities such as videos, simulations, quizzes and exams that reinforce key concepts.

In addition, online courses often cost a fraction of the price of in-person courses. The more time and money you save on CPR training for your staff, the more resources you can allocate to other areas, such as hiring additional staff or purchasing better equipment and supplies for your daycare center.

Finally, when you choose online CPR training on a powerful platform like St. Bernard Academy, you can expect to be reminded to recertify before the deadline. This is especially important in the early childhood setting, especially with high staff turnover.


How do you choose the best course for your Daycare or Early Childhood Center staff?

When choosing CPR training for your daycare staff, it's important to consider both the quality of the content and the credibility of the company offering the course. To ensure your staff gets the most out of their online CPR certification, review these points before enrolling them in a course:

  • Review the course content: Make sure all information presented is current and relevant.
  • Review the materials provided: Are they comprehensive enough to cover all CPR-related topics?
  • Make sure the company offering the course is properly trained and expert in CPR training: St. Bernard Academy has been trained by professionals with nearly 15 years of experience and practice in CPR and First Aid.
  • Consider the availability of customer service: Make sure that you can contact a customer service team if you have any problems or questions regarding the training of your personnel.

What makes St. Bernard Academy's online CPR courses different from others?

To make the online training process as simple and efficient as possible, Saint Bernard Academy offers a powerful platform that makes it easy to manage the certifications of your daycare or PBS staff. Here are some of the additional features available when you choose Saint Bernard Academy for your online CPR training:

  • Customized course registration: An intuitive dashboard makes it easy to manage and track all enrolled staff and manage your staff's roles and enrollments.
  • Automated reminders for any CPR Online training content updates: Email reminders inform staff of upcoming certification deadlines for recertification and any changes to training content to stay current.

Here are some statistics related to child care centers and CPR:

  • The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all child care providers have CPR training.
  • An estimated 4,000 children die each year from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and other sleep-related causes of infant death (National Institute of Child Health and Human Development)
  • Approximately 145,000 people currently work in the child care industry in this country (Statistics Canada, 2018).


By investing in online training for your staff, you can ensure that every employee is fully prepared to handle any emergency situation that may arise in your daycare or childcare centre. With the right tools and resources, you can provide a safe and secure environment for the children and staff in your care. Choose Saint Bernard Academy's powerful platform to get started today!

(1) Lambert Attorneys: "Liability of a Babysitter or Daycare Center" [last accessed January 13, 2023]