Online CPR training: An effective solution for cardiac resuscitation

According to the study: Einspruch, E., L. & coll. 2007. "Retention of CPR skills learned in a traditional AHA Heartsaver course versus 30-min video self-training: A controlled randomized study". Resuscitation. Vol. 74, no. 3, 476-486.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a vital skill that can save lives in an emergency. However, traditional CPR courses can be time-consuming, expensive and sometimes inaccessible. That's where online training comes in. According to this 2007 study published in the medical journal Resuscitation, online CPR training is an effective alternative to traditional learning. Our article will explore the benefits of e-learning presented in this study to establish how Saint Bernard Academy can help you acquire CPR skills in an accessible and practical way.


Why is CPR training important?

Before discussing the benefits of online CPR training, it's essential to understand why this skill is so crucial. The majority of cardiac arrests occur in the home or in a public place. In short, far from the confines of a hospital. It's an incident that anyone could witness at any time with a loved one, a colleague or even a stranger. According to a study by the American Heart Association (AHA), bystander CPR can double or even triple the victim's chances of survival (AHA, 2005). However, for a variety of reasons, such as lack of time and money, or difficulty learning in a traditional classroom setting, many people are not trained in CPR.


Entitled "Retention of CPR skills learned in a traditional AHA Heartsaver course versus 30-min video self-training: a controlled randomized study", the study demonstrates that learning CPR online can represent a valuable alternative to traditional courses. According to the authors, the duration of traditional training represents an obstacle to the wider dissemination of CPR learning. They therefore propose online training through short videos as the answer to this obstacle. To prove this hypothesis, 285 adults aged between 40 and 70 who had received no CPR training in the last five years were randomly assigned to 3 separate groups: (1) an untrained control group, (2) a group undergoing traditional cardiopulmonary resuscitation training, and (3) a group watching a 30-minute self-training video. The researchers then assessed and compared the CPR skills of each group immediately after training and two months later. Participants were evaluated on 3 points: speed of intervention, 911 call and overall performance. 

Key results


In the immediate post-training evaluation, Group 3 participants achieved very similar results to Group 2. While participants in group 2 scored higher on 911 calls, those in group 3 scored higher on speed of response and overall performance. After 2 months, both groups showed similar results.


Although the results show a decline in skills 2 months after training, no group showed a more significant decline than the other. With the exception of 911 calling, where participants in group 3 performed similarly to group 1, groups 2 and 3 showed a similar decline. However, the authors stressed the need to find strategies to improve retention on a more sustained basis.


In the second performance evaluation two months after training, group 3 participants demonstrated CPR skill retention equivalent to that of group 2 participants in terms of speed of intervention and overall performance. Compared with group 1, groups 2 and 3 showed better skills. 


The study shows that online training using short videos can be just as valid an option as traditional training. The authors have shown that this faster, more accessible method of learning can make CPR training more widely available.


The scientific study by Einspruch, E., L. & coll. bears witness to the relevance of offering people the option of learning CPR independently online. As a valid alternative to traditional training, it can increase the number of people trained, and thus offer better chances of survival for victims of cardiac arrest.


Académie Saint-Bernard's online learning platform has many benefits, here are just a few:


In addition to not having to travel, thanks to our autonomous formula, you can learn at your own pace, wherever and whenever you want.


Being completely autonomous, you can start as soon as you're ready and progress without the interference of other students. What's more, our platform enables you to obtain the official certificate in electronic format as soon as you have successfully completed the course.


Accessible via computer, tablet and smartphone, our platform puts your training right at your fingertips. Our training courses are therefore not constrained by geographical or time barriers. They are accessible to all, including older adults.

Quality content

Our online courses offer consistent, high-quality content, ensuring that you receive consistent and accurate training.

Free progression

Throughout the course, you'll be able to take breaks as you wish, whether for a few minutes or a few days. What's more, previous readings remain available to you at all times, so you can return to specific topics as required.


By opting for Académie Saint-Bernard, you can acquire the essential skills to learn CPR in an effective, practical and affordable way. CPR can mean the difference between life and death, and with online training, you can be ready to respond in an emergency, wherever you are. Don't wait, start your online CPR training today!

Your community is counting on you!

Written by Alexandre Grenier, Founder of Académie Saint-Bernard, and Emilie Bedard, Communications Manager

American Heart Association. 2005. « Part 4: Adult Basic Life Support ». Circulation. Vol. 112, no. 24, suppl., IV-19 à IV-34.