Training organization accredited by the Commission des partenaires du marché du travail to apply the Act to promote workforce skills development and recognition.

To promote the development and recognition of workforce skills, the Quebec government has introduced legislation requiring certain employers to reinvest a certain percentage in training.

Companies with a total payroll of over $2 million are required to meet certain employee training obligations.

It must devote the equivalent of 1% of its payroll to employee training and skills development.

If it fails to do so, the company will be obliged to pay this percentage into the Fonds de développement et de reconnaissance des compétences de la main-d'œuvre. The money thus lost and paid to the state will be reinvested at the latter's discretion in other projects related to workforce training.

This is why we suggest that employers allow as many of their employees as possible to acquire the first aid skills we offer here, with all the advantages of online training.

* We do not offer CNESST-approved "First Aid in the Workplace" training at this time.

The company must declare the total calculation of its training costs to the Commission des partenaires du marché du travail, and we will issue a specially designed form for this purpose (Our accreditation number). Similarly, the company must also forward the total calculation of its training costs to Revenu Québec. We will also provide you with a specific form for this purpose (A detailed invoice for training purchased).

Since first aid training is in everyone's interest, it goes without saying that all the programs available on our website qualify to meet the training obligation imposed by law. In the interests of providing a safe workplace, since an accident or incident can happen anywhere, we strongly recommend taking advantage of this opportunity.

Commission des partenaires du marché du travail

Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Solidarity