
Splinters are sharp fragments of various materials, such as wood or glass, that can embed themselves in the skin and cause pain, swelling and irritation. They are often encountered in many everyday situations, including working with wood or walking barefoot on a beach. It is crucial to remove splinters as soon as possible to avoid further infection.

There are several methods to remove a splinter from the skin, such as using a sterilized needle or a specially designed tool. However, before proceeding with the extraction, it is important to thoroughly clean the affected area with soapy water and alcohol to prevent any infection. Once the splinter is removed, the area must be cleaned again and treated with a disinfectant to avoid any complications.


Definition and Meaning

A splinter is a small piece of sharp or pointed material, usually wood or metal, that gets stuck in the skin. It can cause pain, discomfort and infection if not removed properly. Splinters are common in manual labor, crafts, gardening and other activities that involve handling hard materials or rough surfaces.


Common symptoms of splinters include:

  • pain,
  • swelling,
  • irritation,
  • bleeding.

If the splinter is embedded deep in the skin, there may be an allergic reaction or infection. It is important to monitor the affected area for signs of infection, such as redness, pain or fever.

Removing splinters

There are different methods for removing splinters, such as using a sterilized needle or a splinter removal tool. It is important to clean the affected area before and after removing the splinter. It is also important to remove the entire splinter to avoid any risk of reinfection. It is advisable to consult a doctor if the splinter is deeply embedded in the skin or if you have symptoms of infection.


Splinters can be prevented by wearing closed-toe shoes when walking on rough surfaces, using protective gloves when working with sharp materials, and regularly cleaning work surfaces. It's also important to regularly monitor your feet and hands for signs of splinters.

Bottom line

Splinters can cause pain and irritation, but they can be avoided by taking proper precautions. It is important to remove splinters immediately to avoid infection and to monitor the affected area for signs of infection. If you develop symptoms of infection, it is important to seek medical attention.
