Self-Choking Relief

Airway obstruction is a medical emergency that can occur when an object or substance partially or completely blocks a person's airway. If the victim is alone when experiencing breathing difficulties, it is important to act quickly to prevent permanent damage or even death.

In such a situation, the first thing to do is to call for help immediately. The victim can also attempt to perform the Heimlich maneuver, a first aid technique designed to quickly clear the airway of a person who is choking.

To perform the Heimlich maneuver on oneself, the victim should place his or her fist in the pit of his or her stomach, just below the ribs and above the belly button. Then, he or she should apply backward and upward pressure, using the weight of his or her body to help expel the object or substance blocking the airway.

It is important to note that the Heimlich maneuver may be less effective if the victim is alone and does not have a hard support to press on. Therefore, it is essential to contact emergency services as soon as possible and go to a public place where medical help can be obtained. While waiting for help, the victim should continue to try to clear the airway by performing the Heimlich maneuver if possible and avoiding panic.


Definition and Meaning

Airway obstruction is a medical emergency where an object or substance partially or completely blocks a person's airway, making breathing difficult or impossible. If the victim is alone, he or she should call for help and attempt to clear the airway by performing the Heimlich maneuver if possible.


What to do in an emergency?

In case of choking, the first reflex is to contact the emergency services and leave the phone open to facilitate the location. It is important to go quickly to a public place, where you have a better chance of being rescued quickly.

The Heimlich Maneuver

The Heimlich maneuver can be performed by the victim himself, but it is less effective. The victim places his or her fist in the pit of the stomach and presses it with the other hand, then presses backwards and upwards. A hard support such as the corner of a couch or a table can be used to increase the effectiveness of the maneuver.

Prevention of airway obstruction

It is important to note that good eating habits can help prevent airway obstructions. It is recommended to eat slowly and chew food thoroughly before swallowing. It is also advisable to avoid eating while walking or talking, and not to eat foods that tend to cling to the teeth or throat.

In a nutshell

Airway obstruction is an emergency situation that can cause serious damage or even death. Therefore, it is important to know the first aid measures to be taken in case of choking, such as contacting the paramedics and trying to practice the Heimlich maneuver. It is also important to know what other methods can be used if the Heimlich maneuver fails. It is also important to remember that prevention is key to avoiding airway obstructions, by adopting proper food hygiene and avoiding risky situations. It is also important to remember that these tips are not a substitute for professional first aid training and it is recommended that you take training to be prepared to respond in an emergency.