Definition : Plastic Eye Protection

Plastic eye protection is an essential first-aid device for protecting the eyes in the event of trauma or injury at close quarters. Made from rigid, transparent plastic, it prevents external contaminants from damaging the eye, while allowing limited vision. It is used after injury or eye surgery to promote healing. Its application requires great care to avoid aggravating the injury. In the event of eye problems, consult a health professional immediately.


Dressing description

A Plastic Eye Protector is an essential first-aid device used to protect the eye in the event of trauma or injury near the ocular area. This protective measure is of crucial importance, as it aims to prevent further damage to the eye while promoting healing and recovery.


Plastic eye protection is generally made of a transparent, rigid material such as hard plastic, polycarbonate or PETG (polyethylene terephthalate glycol). This transparent material allows limited vision of the eye, while providing a solid barrier to prevent external elements, such as dust, dirt or foreign objects, from coming into contact with the injured eye. It can also be designed to adapt comfortably to the shape of the eye socket, offering a secure fit without exerting excessive pressure on the eye.


Situations where a plastic eye shield is typically used include injuries such as scratches, cuts, burns, contusions, or any injury likely to cause swelling or trauma around the eye. It can also be recommended after eye surgery, such as cataract surgery, to protect the eye during the healing phase.


Plastic eye protection must be applied with care. Before fitting, it is important to gently clean the area around the eye to avoid contamination. The protection should then be placed so as to completely cover the eye, while leaving enough space for the eye to blink and move. It is essential not to exert excessive pressure on the eye, as this could aggravate the injury.


In short, plastic eye protection is an essential first-aid device for preserving the health and integrity of the eye in the event of trauma or injury close to the ocular area. It provides a protective barrier while allowing limited vision, and its application must be carried out with care to minimize any risk of further damage. In the event of eye injury, we recommend that you consult a healthcare professional immediately for assessment and appropriate treatment.


Use of the dressing

Equipment required

  • Plastic eye protection, also known as a face shield or protective shell
  • Medical tape or hypoallergenic tape
  • Clean scissors (if necessary)
  • Antiseptic solution (such as hydrogen peroxide or sterile saline) and sterile compresses (if necessary)


Step 1: Preparation

  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Make sure you have the necessary equipment to hand.


Step 2: Assess the wound

  • Examine the wound near the eye to determine its size, depth and severity. Make sure there are no foreign bodies in the wound.


Step 3: Cleaning the wound (if necessary)

  • If the wound near the eye needs cleaning, use an antiseptic solution to disinfect the area. Gently apply the solution to the wound with a sterile compress, avoiding contact with the eye, starting from the center and working outwards. Gently dab to clean, then pat dry with a clean sterile compress.


Step 4: Choosing a plastic eye shield

  • Select a plastic eye shield of the appropriate size to cover the eye and the area of injury. Plastic eye shields are available in a range of sizes.


Step 5: Positioning the eye shield

  • Place the plastic eye shield over the affected eye so that it completely covers the eye and the area of injury. Make sure the eye is well protected behind the plastic shell.


Step 6: Attaching the eye shield

  • Secure the plastic eye shield in place using medical tape or hypoallergenic tape. Make sure that the fastening is strong enough to hold the shell in place, but that it is not too tight to impede blood circulation or cause discomfort.


Step 7: Checking

  • Examine the eye and the plastic eye shield to make sure they're securely in place. Make sure the shield stays in place and keeps the eye protected.


Step 8: Monitoring

  • Monitor the wound regularly for signs of infection or complications. Consult a healthcare professional if necessary.


Plastic eye protection is a temporary measure to protect the eye in the event of a nearby injury. It is essential to monitor the injury regularly, and to consult a medical professional for proper assessment and treatment if necessary. Eye injuries can be serious and require appropriate medical attention.

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