Definition : Non-adhesive pad

Non-stick dressings are essential medical devices for protecting wounds while preventing the dressing from sticking to the wound surface. They are made from non-stick materials such as silicone or kerosene to minimize trauma during dressing changes, reduce pain and prevent infection. These compresses are commonly used in acute and chronic wound care to promote healing while offering increased patient comfort.


Dressing description

Non-stick compresses are medical devices specifically designed to cover and protect wounds, while preventing the compress from sticking to the wound surface. They are widely used in first aid, post-operative care and chronic wound management. These compresses are made from materials that won't stick to newly-formed skin or the surface of a healing wound.


Here are just a few of the features and benefits of non-stick compresses:

  • Non-stick materials: Non-adherent compresses are generally made from materials such as silicone, kerosene or fatty tulle, which are designed to be non-stick. These materials prevent the compress from sticking to the wound or to newly growing skin.
  • Wound protection: By preventing the compress from sticking to the wound, non-adherent compresses offer essential protection to the injured area. They minimize trauma during dressing changes, reduce pain and the risk of bleeding, and promote an optimal healing process.
  • Reduced discomfort: Non-stick compresses are more comfortable for the victim, as they do not cause pain or discomfort when the dressing is removed. This is particularly important for patients with sensitive wounds or burns.
  • Preventing complications: By preventing the compress from sticking to the wound, non-adherent compresses reduce the risk of infection and further damage to the injured area.


Non-stick compresses are available in a variety of forms, including sheets, rolls and pre-cut plates. They are often used in combination with other dressing materials, such as bandages, sterile gauze or medical adhesives, to provide complete, secure protection for the wound.


In short, non-adherent compresses are essential medical devices for protecting wounds while preventing the compress from sticking to the wound surface. Their use is commonplace in wound care to minimize complications, promote healing and ensure the victim's comfort. They play a crucial role in the management of both acute and chronic wounds.


Use of the dressing

Materials required

  • Non-stick compresses of appropriate size to cover the wound
  • Disposable gloves (optional, but recommended to maintain sterility)
  • Antiseptic solution (such as hydrogen peroxide or sterile saline solution) and sterile compresses (if necessary)
  • Adhesive tape or elastic bandage to hold compress in place (optional)


Step 1: Preparation

  • Make sure your work area is clean and well-lit. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, or wear clean disposable gloves to minimize the risk of infection.


Step 2: Assess the wound

  • Examine the wound to determine its size, depth and severity. Non-stick compresses are particularly useful for superficial wounds, burns and sensitive areas.


Step 3: Clean the wound (if necessary)

  • If the wound needs cleaning, use an antiseptic solution to disinfect the area. Gently apply the solution to the wound using a sterile compress, starting from the center and working outwards. Gently dab to clean, then pat dry with a clean sterile compress.


Step 4: Choosing a non-adherent pad

  • Select a non-adherent compress of the appropriate size to cover the wound completely. Make sure it is large enough to extend slightly beyond the edges of the wound.


Step 5: Applying the compress

  • Place the non-adhesive pad directly on the wound, making sure it is centered. Make sure the non-adherent side is in contact with the wound to avoid any adhesion.


Step 6: Hold in place (if necessary)

  • If the compress tends to slip or move, you can hold it in place with adhesive tape or an elastic bandage. Make sure it's not too tight, to avoid impeding blood circulation.


Step 7: Check

  • Examine the wound and compress to ensure that they are securely in place and that the wound is completely covered. Make sure the compress does not stick to the wound.


Step 8: Disposal

  • Dispose of all used materials properly. Disposable gloves, compresses, antiseptic solution (if any) and adhesive tape or elastic bandage (if any) must be disposed of safely and hygienically.


Non-stick compresses are ideal for sensitive wounds, or when there are concerns about the compress sticking to the wound. Monitor the wound regularly for signs of infection or complications. If the wound is serious, consult a healthcare professional.

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