Adhesive tape

The use of adhesive tape in first aid is not recommended due to the increased risk of infection and skin irritation. Appropriate sterile dressings should be used to cover and protect a wound. In an emergency, adhesive tape can be used temporarily with care, following the steps provided. Nevertheless, professional medical assessment should be sought promptly for appropriate treatment of the wound.

Adhesiv_ tape

Dressing description

The use of adhesive tape in first aid is generally not recommended, as it can lead to complications such as infection. It is preferable to use appropriate sterile dressings to cover and protect a wound, as adhesive tape is not designed for this purpose. However, in emergency situations where appropriate medical supplies are not available.


Here's how you can apply tape temporarily. It is important to note that this method should only be used as a last resort pending professional medical assessment and appropriate treatment of the injury.

  • Preparation: Before applying tape, make sure the wound is clean and dry. If possible, rinse the wound gently with clean water to remove dirt and debris.
  • Protective layer: Before placing adhesive tape directly on the wound, it's advisable to apply a protective layer. You can use sterile gauze or a clean cloth to cover the wound. This prevents the tape from coming into direct contact with the skin, which can cause irritation.
  • Applying adhesive tape: Cut a sufficient length of adhesive tape to cover the protective layer and hold the gauze in place. Make sure the tape is not too tight, to avoid impeding blood circulation. Secure it so that it adheres to the healthy skin around the wound.
  • Don't cover for too long: Tape should only be used temporarily, pending medical assessment. It should not be left in place for too long, as this can encourage bacterial growth under the improvised dressing.
  • Medical consultation: It is essential to consult a medical professional as soon as possible for a proper assessment of the injury. Appropriate medical treatment, such as stitches, deep cleansing, or other care, may be necessary to avoid further complications.


In short, the use of adhesive tape in first aid is generally not recommended, due to the increased risk of infection and skin irritation. It is preferable to use appropriate sterile dressings to cover and protect a wound. However, in emergency situations, it can be used temporarily by following the steps described above, taking care to seek professional medical assessment as quickly as possible for appropriate treatment of the wound.


Use of the dressing

Materials required

  • Clean medical tape
  • Clean scissors
  • Antiseptic solution (such as hydrogen peroxide or sterile saline solution)
  • Sterile compresses (if necessary)


Step 1: Preparation

  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, or use clean disposable gloves if you have them. Make sure you have the necessary equipment at hand.


Step 2: Assess the wound

  • Examine the wound to determine its size, depth and severity. If the wound is severe, deep or shows signs of infection, it's essential to consult a medical professional.


Step 3: Clean the wound (if necessary)

  • If the wound needs cleaning, use an antiseptic solution to disinfect the area. Gently apply the solution to the wound with a sterile compress, starting from the center and working outwards. Gently dab to clean, then pat the area dry with a clean sterile compress.


Step 4: Preparing the tape

  • Cut a sufficient length of medical tape to cover the wound dressing. You can cut it into smaller pieces if necessary.


Step 5: Apply tape

  • Gently place the tape over the dressing resting on the wound, making sure it covers the wound well. Make sure the tape lies flat and that there are no creases or air bubbles underneath.


Step 6: Check

  • Examine the dressing, wound and tape to make sure they are securely in place. Make sure the wound is completely covered.


Step 7: Monitoring and removal

  • Monitor the wound regularly for signs of infection or complications. Tape should only be used temporarily, and should not be left in place for prolonged periods. When it's time to remove the tape, do so gently to avoid further damage to the skin.


It's important to note that applying tape to a wound is a temporary and not ideal solution. The use of sterile dressings is the recommended method of covering and protecting wounds. Consult a healthcare professional for proper wound assessment and treatment.

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